28: Krispin Mayfield- Should I stay in my faith community to try to make a difference?
Krispin Mayfield joins Amy Fritz for a conversation inspired by a tweet: “Has anyone ever stayed at a church to make a change. . . ?” The decision to stay or leave is full of nuance and situational specific issues. Krispin brings up some things to consider when making this decision. What kind of influence...
27: Ryan Ramsey- A message for people who have lost their faith community & for those who care about them.
Everyone is talking about deconstruction and what that means when it comes to Christians. And what about the verses that tell us not to neglect meeting together as believers? What does “meeting together” even mean? How do we process all of this if we’ve been hurt in a faith community? Ryan Ramsey joins Amy Fritz...
26: What About Bob? An Interview with Religion Journalist Bob Smietana
Veteran religion journalist, Bob Smietana, joins Amy Fritz for a conversation about what it’s like to be a religion reporter, the insider baseball of faith communities, the factors he considers when deciding if he should cover a particular story, handling sexual abuse accounts without adding unnecessary trauma, and his thoughts about the response by Ramsey...
25: Our Ramsey Story, Part 9: Amy reflects on telling her story this season.
24: Our Ramsey Story, Part 8: Just a Shot Across the Bow
Greg and Lauren Thoman join Amy to share their account of how their lives were upended by Ramsey Solutions leadership in May of 2020. This is the 8th episode in this series about Ramsey Solutions. Patreon Membership Community. Find us here: Twitter: Amy Fritz Untangled Faith Instagram: Amy Fritz Untangled Faith Website: Untangled Faith Support...
23: Our Ramsey Story, Part 7: Shots Fired
Nathan and Amy talk about the lengths Ramsey Solutions leadership went to in their attempts to silence them, including gathering up their friends to malign them and reaching out to their current employer. Patreon Membership Community. Find us here:Twitter:Amy FritzUntangled Faith Instagram:Amy FritzUntangled Faith Website:Untangled Faith Support the show (https://buymeacoffee.com/untangledfaith)
22: Our Ramsey Story, Part 6: Cut the Ties. Send a Flare into the Night
Nathan and Amy share about the the year after Nathan resigned from his job at Ramsey Solutions. Links:Julie Roys PodcastMichael Hyatt PodcastOrganizational Narcissism and Virtuous BehaviorI Got Your SixLeaving Ramsey Solutions Patreon Membership Community. Full Audio of the Got Your Six Meeting Find us here:Twitter:Amy FritzUntangled Faith Instagram:Amy FritzUntangled Faith Website:Untangled Faith Support the show...
20: Our Ramsey Story, Part 4, The Got Your Six Meeting (1 of 2 episodes)
Amy Fritz and Melissa J. Hogan dissect the Ramsey Solutions “Got Your Six” team meeting that was held in May of 2019 soon after Amy’s husband, Nathan, resigned. Patreon Membership Community. Full Audio of the Got Your Six Meeting Perry Noble Fired. Mark Driscoll fired from Mars Hill. Bill Hybels fired from Willow Creek. Find...
21: Our Ramsey Story, Part 5: The Got Your Six Meeting (2 of 2 episodes)
Melissa J. Hogan joins Amy to respond to Dave Ramsey’s characterization of Melissa and Melissa’s marriage in a meeting he led for all of his team members in May of 2019. This episode may be triggering to people who have experienced abuse and subsequent secondary trauma from attempting to report and/or ask for help. Patreon...
19: Our Ramsey Story, Part 3: Everything Falls Apart
Nathan and Amy talk about what happened when Amy's friend suddenly stopped communicating with anyone and how Amy's determination to make sure her friend was okay led her to stumbling across information that led to the end of Nathan's employment at Ramsey Solutions. Links:Statements from Melissa J. HoganBlog post about Nathan's exit from RamseyOur Story...
18: Our Ramsey Story, Part 2: Spies, Cash, Fear and Rich People Habits
Amy and Nathan Fritz share part 2 of their experience with the Ramsey Solutions Organization. In this episode they talk about: Differences in accepting the culture between spouses who marry in to the company as opposed to those who were already married when their spouse was hired. The Daily Beast article/Twittergate. The time Amy thought...
29: Broken Trust: An interview with author Remy Diederich
Author and former pastor, Remy Diederich joins Amy to talk about his book, Broken Trust: a practical guide to identify and recover from toxic faith, toxic church, and spiritual abuse. Remy shares his story of being away from a physical church for 5 years and what he learned about spiritual abuse, and the surprising spiritual...